Project support
Are you interested in working with us?
Current projects:
- Compilation of a catalogue raisonné of Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann’s oil paintings, watercolours and drawings; completion expected in 2023.
- Publications for the winners of the Hans Purrmann Prizes
- Preparation of a publication of the correspondence “Hans Purrmann – Karl Ernst Osthaus – Henri Matisse 1906 – 1914” by Prof. Dr. Rainer Stamm and Dr. Gloria Köpnick
Project support
If you are interested in working with us, please send us your informal request. Please send a short description of your project with the following information
- Aim of the project
- Who is doing what (actors and promoters)
- When (from when to when)
- Where (place of implementation)
- Which public relations ideas do you have?
and a financial plan with
- total costs
- funding requirements
- other sources of finance
- sponsors (if available).
Please send the application to the
Hans Purrmann Foundation
Veterinärstr. 2a
80539 Munich